What Are The Types Of Blepharitis & Their Possible Causes?

What Are The Types Of Blepharitis & Their Possible Causes?

The condition called Blepharitis (eyelid inflammation) affects the eyelids and cause redness, inflammation, and swelling in them. Although the condition doesn’t usually cause grave damage to your eyes, you can feel it very irritating. The serious cases of blepharitis have a risk of causing damage in the long-term, but luckily these cases are very rare.

In today’s article, we discuss the different types of blepharitis and their possible causes:

What are the different types of blepharitis?

The three main types are:Symptoms of Blepharitis

  1. Anterior blepharitis
  2. Posterior blepharitis
  3. Mixed blepharitis

Anterior blepharitis:

Anterior eyelid inflammation affects the outside of the eyelid where the eyelashes attach. This type can arise as seborrheic or ulcerative.

  • Seborrheic blepharitis is a condition linked to This kind characteristically causes the eyelids to developed red and yields waxy scales building up on the eyelashes, which causes the eyes to itch. With this, the scales primarily mature due to an unusual amount and type of tear film being created by the glands of the eyelids.
  • Ulcerative blepharitis is not as much of collective as seborrheic one, and typically, arises during childhood. This is caused by a bacterium. It is known to be the more severe form which causes hard crusts to go around the eyelashes. These crusts often convert to be matted through sleep, creating it hard to open the eyes in the morning.

Posterior blepharitis:

The Posterior eyelid inflammation progresses when oil glands in the inner eyelid permit bacteria to cultivate. It can transpire as a result of skin circumstances such as acne, rosacea and scalp dandruff.

It is also known to as meibomian gland dysfunction that is denoted as MGD, a much more collective type of the eyelid inflammation. The glands normally must function to secrete a type of oil. With the might of the blink, oil is secreted into the tears. This oil is intended to avert tear film evaporation. When the glands have tenderness, either too much or too little oil is secreted.

Individuals with MGD often grumble of red, burning eyes or dry eyes. Their vision will be likely to alter because the tear film is unsteady.

Mixed blepharitis:

This is the soreness of the whole lid margin, which is the most common type of all, and it is caused by a mixture of both anterior and posterior types.

Blepharitis Symptoms

What causes blepharitis condition?

Anterior eyelid inflammation can be caused by either:

  • The reaction to Staphylococcus bacteria – these typically live inoffensively on the skin of many people, but for unidentified reasons, they can root the eyelids to develop to be inflamed.
  • Seborrhoeic dermatitis – known as a skin condition that causes the skin to grow into oily or flaky and occasionally aggravate the eyelids, causing the Meibomian glands to block.

Posterior eyelid inflammation is caused by a problem with the Meibomian glands, where the glands get congested by whichever debris, skin flakes or inflammation.

Every now and then blockages in the Meibomian glands are related to a skin condition called rosacea. If the too much oily matter is being produced, this may be produced seborrhoeic dermatitis.

How is blepharitis treated?

There is a wide range of different products that are intended mainly for the treatment of blepharitis, such as sterile pads, separate moist wipes, and distinct cleaning solutions. The optometrist advises you from where you can easily buy such helpful products. However, in severe cases, the eye doctor prescribes an antibiotic ointment.

During the treatment, removing all debris and crusts from the edge of the eyelids and between the eyelashes, using cleaning products or warm water with cotton pads or make-up removal pads are some of the steps a patient can easily follow at home. As the procedure of treatment is long-term so you may not see any progress for healing for several weeks.

But, you should carry on the treatment two times a day for minimum one month then when you see the progress, you may use the treatment less often. In order to prevent eyelid inflammation from recurring, cleaning the eyelids twice a week is necessary.

It is merely a long-term condition. Most individuals experience recurrent episodes, parted by times without symptoms. The condition can’t be normally treated, but a regular eyelid-cleaning routine every day can aid control the symptoms and prevent lasting scarring of the eyelid margins.

Here are three main steps to eyelid hygiene that should be achieved once or twice a day:

  • Utilize a warm compress – to make the oil created by the glands around your eyes more fluid
  • Lightly fiddling your eyelids – to shove the oils out of the glands
  • Washing your eyelids – to wipe away any extra oil and eliminate any crusts, bacteria, dust or dirt that might have built up

Severe cases may need antibiotics that are either applied to the eye or eyelid directly or taken as medicines.

Some natural treatments of blepharitis also help in managing the irritation and uneasiness caused by the condition.

Treatment of Blepharitis


The self-care measures and natural remedies greatly help in treating the condition of eyelid inflammation, but in case if these are not helping you or the symptoms are getting worse, you should consult an eye doctor immediately. The American board-certified ophthalmologists at Menger Eye Centers provide best an effective and customized treatment of blepharitis in Glendale, NYC that really helps the patient to get recovery.

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