All About Eyes Protection & Damage Eyes Treatment From Solar Eclipse

All About Eyes Protection & Damage Eyes Treatment From Solar Eclipse

Solar Eclipse Eye Damage Treatment:

Recently, on Aug 21, 2017, the people in the United States have viewed an awesome solar eclipse in the sky and lots of people, in fact, every single person in North America while some from other parts of South America have seen a total solar eclipse which is a nature’s most inspiring sights. The people in the USA haven’t seen a total solar eclipse since 1979 and it was the first time that everyone wanted to see this amazing celestial event. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon while passing between the Sun and the Earth blocks all or some part of the Sun from view. A total eclipse is the time period when the Moon completely covers the Sun making the event more exciting. Hopefully, you have worn correct safety glasses and follow safety tips for your eyes protection from the solar eclipse. However, if you are experiencing any discomfort or vision problems after the eclipse, you should immediately consult ophthalmologist, optometrist, or eye surgeon or ophthalmology eye care center in New York City for a complete comprehensive eye exam.

Here, we give you all the information that why your eyes get damaged from a solar eclipse, how this damage occurs, symptoms of eye damage, the treatments available to cure the underlying problem as well as the preventive measures that you should take to protect the eyes during a solar eclipse:

Why and how eye damage occurs from a solar eclipse?

We usually feel uncomfortable while looking at the Sun on a normal day, blink our eyes and look away. On the day of solar eclipse, when the Moon blocks more and more light of the Sun, your pupil becomes larger to let in more light. Due to this, the pupil is unable to perform its normal protective response to keep out the harmful ultraviolet rays (UV) and as a result UV rays directly enter into your eyes. Secondly, our natural eye lens acts as a magnifying glass that focuses the light onto the retina. The retina is a light sensitive tissue layer lining at the back of the eye and performs a vital function of sending nerve signals to the brain for visual image formation. The sunlight, when enters the eye, make a hole in the retina by burning it, similar to using a magnifying glass to make holes in paper or leaves.

According to Business Insider, the UV light from the Sun can penetrate the retina in the eye while causing solar retinopathy that is an eye condition caused by looking directly at the Sun. 

What are the symptoms of eye damage from a solar eclipse?

If your eyes get damaged, the symptoms appear within few hours or the next day and even some damage may occur later at some point in your life. It is not necessary that you get blind because the Sun exposure affects your central vision that may get blurred or spotty.

As the retina lack pain sensors, you can permanently damage your vision without feeling it. Once the cells of the retina get damaged, it can’t be rectified. The degree of the damage varies from person to person. The symptoms of eye damage due to a solar eclipse, as mentioned by NASA, include blurry vision, dark or yellow spots, loss of vision or blind spot in the center of the eye, discomfort with a bright light and difficulty in defining details.


How can eye damage from a solar eclipse be treated?

Some people notice that the damage moves away on its own after few days, weeks or even months. On the other hand, some people may experience a permanent damage to their vision. The treatment option depends on the type and severity of the damage affecting the individual patient. If you’re experiencing any symptom of eye damage, immediately seek medical care from a professional ophthalmologist.

How can you prevent eye damage during a solar eclipse?

You can take various safety precautions or preventive measures that protect your eyes during a solar eclipse. Below are some important measures that you should strictly follow because only a small amount of UV light from the Sun can damage the eyes:

  • Avoid looking with a naked eye at the Sun:

You should avoid looking at the Sun directly or with a naked eye. You can look at the sun only when you are under the path of totality (total solar eclipse) but even then you should look just for a little time when the Sun is completely covered. This time duration depends on your location from where you are seeing the eclipse.

  • Wear protective eclipse glasses meeting international standards:

Sunglasses will not give protection to your eyes, but you have various options of protective eyewear that effectively protect your eyes. Firstly, there are No. 14 welder’s goggles that are much dark to give a safe view of the solar eclipse. Secondly, there are eclipse glasses containing special purpose solar filters that meet the international standard of ISO 12312-2 for a protective view. These glasses filter out natural sunlight while allowing you to see the eclipse.

  • Make pinhole camera:

You can also watch the solar eclipse using a handmade pinhole camera. The materials you need to make it include: 2 pieces of white cardstock or white paper plates, aluminum foil, tape and paper clip or pin. The process of making a pinhole camera includes following steps:

  • Take one piece of cardstock and cut a piece of square shape out of the middle of it. Wrap up aluminum foil over this piece with the help of a tape.

  • Poke a hole using the pin or paper clip in the foil.

  • Then, place the other piece of cardstock on the ground.

  • Stand in such a position that the Sun comes behind you. Then, place the cardstock with the foil above on your shoulder in a direction that allows sunlight to shine through the hole and on top of the cardstock placed on the ground. In this way, the eclipse is projected on the cardstock placed on the ground.

For more details about safety tips and preventive measures, click on this link

For the treatment of eye damage, contact Menger Eye Centers in Glendale, NYC:

If you’re experiencing any symptom of the eye damage, you can immediately consult board-certified ophthalmologists, optometrists and eye surgeons at Menger Eye Centers. They are highly recommended eye specialists in NYC who effectively diagnose the eye problem through ophthalmology eye care and comprehensive eye exams and then customize a treatment plan according to the diagnosed eye problem. Eventually, you will enjoy a restored eye vision.

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