What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Glaucoma?

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is the eye condition in which the optic nerve of the eye gets damaged due to the increased pressure inside the eye, which is called an intraocular eye pressure. Although Glaucoma can occur at any age it is more common in people above 40 years. Glaucoma needs to be treated promptly before it completely damages the optic nerve that causes permanent loss of vision or blindness. That’s why; Glaucoma is the primary cause of blindness in American people. Unfortunately, the patient doesn’t notice any symptoms until the disease has reached its advanced stage where it causes significant damage to the optic nerve. Fortunately, the progress of Glaucoma condition can be slow down or even stopped through early detection, regular eye exams and a proper Glaucoma treatment that eventually prevent blindness.

Symptoms of Glaucoma:

Here, we give you a brief overview of the signs and symptoms of Glaucoma and so if you experience one or more than one of these symptoms, immediately consult a professional ophthalmologist:

Change in the iris color:

Iris is the colored, ring-shaped muscle that surrounds the pupil of the eye and located between the cornea and the lens. You better know the color of your iris than others and so if you notice any change in the color of your iris, consult the ophthalmologist right away. Changes in the coloration of the iris indicate the increased pressure inside the eye.

Sensitivity to light:

It is normal that people blink their eyes when they see a lot of light. But when you notice any difficulty in seeing a lot of light than before, there is some problem with your eyes. The possible reason of this problem could be increased intraocular eye pressure as you become sensitive to light.

The dark spot in the center of the vision:

If you notice a dark spot right in the center of your field of vision, it is a sign that should be checked right away. A dark spot in the vision indicates that there is high pressure inside your eye and this increased pressure can damage the optic nerve which ultimately causes the permanent loss of vision if left untreated. That’s why it is recommended to see the ophthalmologist promptly when you see the dark spot.

Eye pain:

Sometimes, eye pain can be caused by a headache, or in certain cases, it is due to increased pressure in the eyes. The pain in or around the eyes may also be a sign of Glaucoma. If you experience eye pain continuously for few days or if it comes back frequently, immediately consult the ophthalmologist. 

Blurred or double vision:

The condition of Glaucoma can have negative effects on your vision and one of the common symptoms of Glaucoma is a blurred vision or double vision. So, if you’re experiencing the hazy or distorted vision or seeing things blurry or double, see the ophthalmologist to have your eyes examined in order to check if these are Glaucoma signs.

Red, itchy or watery eyes:

It is common that a simple irritation makes our eyes red, itchy or watery but if these signs happen to you all the time, you should take necessary measures by consulting ophthalmologist because these may be caused by Glaucoma. Moreover, eye doctors are of the view that inflamed or crusted eyelids may also be linked with Glaucoma.

Recommendation Glaucoma

Some important things to consider:

The key to slow down the progress of Glaucoma and to prevent serious loss of vision or Glaucoma complications is having regular eye examination by the ophthalmologist. These eye exams and checkups help to diagnose Glaucoma at an early stage while slowing down the disease or preventing vision loss. There are various tests that determine whether you have Glaucoma or not and Tonometry is one of these tests that is used to measure the eye pressure.

The eye specialists give Glaucoma guidelines in which they recommend that those people who are at high risk of developing Glaucoma should get screening tests and eye exams more frequently than those who don’t have a risk of developing the condition. If you’re over 60 years, being Hispanic or black, have a family history of Glaucoma, had an eye surgery or eye injury, are nearsighted, taking certain medications such as corticosteroids or have diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure or sickle cell anemia, you are at high risk of developing Glaucoma.

For eye exams and Glaucoma treatment, contact ophthalmologists at Menger Eye Centers:

Menger Eye Centers is the well-known and reputable eye diseases treatment center that has been offering the advanced diagnostic tests and customized treatment of Glaucoma in NYC for over 100 years while preserving the norm to provide the best treatment to each patient. The board-certified, experienced, skilled and highly accomplished ophthalmologists and optometrists effectively and efficiently perform the eye exams. If you’re experiencing the symptoms of Glaucoma, schedule an online appointment by visiting website or calling at 718.386.1818

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