How is the Surgery for Retinal Detachment performed?

How is the Surgery for Retinal Detachment performed?

Retinal Detachment is the condition in which the retina pulls away from the flesh around it (the choroid), which is the one supplying it with oxygen and nutrients. When the retina is separated it can no longer function properly and as a result, the patient’s vision is lost. Fortunately, the surgical procedure is available that can treat the Retinal Detachment.

Here are the symptoms, causes and a detailed overview of surgical treatment for Retinal Detachment:

What are the Symptoms of Retinal Detachment?

Retinal Detachment is painless. A retinal tear may be complemented by the perception of flashing lights in the affected eye or sprays of dark floaters and blurry vision. As it detaches it regularly causes a dark shadow, like a shade or veil, in the exterior vision, which usually develops to complete vision loss.

See us at Menger Eye Centers located in Glendale, NYC straightaway if you feel any of the above visual disturbances because a Retinal Detachment requires a quick corrective surgery to inhibit permanent damage to your eyesight.

What are the causes of Retinal Detachment?

The greatest common cause of Retinal Detachment is an age-linked decrease of the vitreous gel, which may lead to ripping at a weak point in the retina. If a tear or hole develops, fluid can gather beneath it and diminish the connection of the retina to the choroid, resulting in a detachment. Damage to the eye can also cause Retinal Detachment, although this is less common.

Structure of Retina

How is the Surgery for Retinal Detachment performed?

Retinal Detachment surgery includes re-attaching the retina to the back of the eye and sealing any breaks or holes. Your retinal specialist will scan your eye to decide the most suitable option for the surgery.

Following are the effective procedures for Retinal Detachment:

Pneumatic Retinopexy:

It is the simplest surgical procedure for repairing a detachment but is not appropriate for all cases. The retinal surgeon inserts a gas bubble into the vitreous cavity and treats the tear(s) with either laser or Cryotherapy (freezing). The bubble presses the retina level against the wall of the eye and the laser or freezing sticks the retina down. In order for the retina to stay in place after surgery, it is essential to follow the surgeon’s instructions on post-operative head placing. The gas gradually evaporates over the days or weeks following the surgery

Scleral Buckling:

The retinal tear is cured with Cryotherapy, the fluid below the retina sapped and a specially-shaped piece of silicone rubber stitched to the sclera or outer wall of the eye. The silicone generates an indent, which pushes the eye-wall back onto the retina. The scleral buckle rests in place indeterminately unless problems arise.

Vitrectomy Surgery:

Under a functioning microscope, the vitreous is surgically detached using very fine instruments, any tears which are treated with laser or Cryotherapy and the eye is packed with gas or silicone oil. Once again it is important to keep an eye on instructions concerning post-operative skull positioning in order to allow the retina to stick down. Patients who have had Vitrectomy surgery will experience provisional poor vision while the eye is filled with gas, but if the surgery is effective the vision will recover as the gas reabsorbs and is substituted with the eye’s own clear fluid. If silicone oil is used it does not liquefy by itself, and further surgery is usually necessary after a few months.

Retinal Detachment

What to expect after Retinal Detachment surgery?

Immediately after the operation, you can expect:

  • The eye will be protected with an eye pad or eye patch and perhaps a protecting eye shield.
  • You may need to stay in the hospital overnight or, occasionally, longer.

During the post-operative period:

  • Your eye may be sore for several weeks, mainly if a scleral buckle has been used. 
  • Your vision will be blurred – it may take some weeks or even three to six months for your vision to recover.
  • Your eye may produce more liquid.
  • Presume a ‘gritty’ feeling on the surface of your eye if sutures have been used.
  • Avoid chafing or pressing on the eye.
  • You must wear an eye pad for protection at night while your eye is restoring.
  • Make sure to monitor and follow all instructions for medications, such as eye drops.
  • Avoid energetic activity for some weeks after surgery.
  • Follow all instructions on head positioning.
  • See your surgeon straightway if you experience severe pain.
  • If you have had gas injected into your eye as part of your retinal re-attachment procedure, it is tremendously important that you do not fly until it has totally reabsorbed. And this may take up to four weeks.

Are there any complications of Retinal Detachment surgery?

Risks and complications depend on the procedure used, but can include:

  • cataract formation (loss of clarity of the lens of the eye)
  • glaucoma (raised pressure in the eye)
  • contamination or infection
  • hemorrhage (bleeding) into the vitreous cavity
  • vision loss
  • loss of the eye, although with modern surgical techniques this is a very unlikely outcome

 Retinal Detachment Structure.


A torn retina can regularly result in a Retinal Detachment. Menger Eye Centers, located in Glendale, NYC endorses immediate laser treatment of retinal tears to avoid the onset of serious vision problems.  Our laser surgeons can “weld” the retina in place next to to the tear so that the retina will not detach.  Surgery on the retina is executed for the resolution of inhibiting the need for further retinal surgery.

For booking an online appointment, visit our website or call 718-386-1818

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